EYSAN Donated Disaster Perambulator Car to Tainan City Fire Department

” You must put back into the society what you have taken out.” This is the principle that the founder and CEO of EYSAN has been keeping in mind. They have spared no effort to do charity in their own names.
The Dong-Men Branch of the Tainan City Fire Department has been a wonderful neighbor of EYSAN for more than 20 years. The founder heard about the dangerous circumstances that the firefighters often face during the rescue mission and knew how important the safety issue for the firefighters is, thus he has donated fire-suppression equipment and protective gears to them, by that he wished to offer better protection for the firefighters. In order to prevent casualty because of delaying report, he has also donated fire alarm detectors for elderly people living alone and low-income households. This year, the CEO of EYSAN heard that Tainan City Fire Department is lacking fire-fighting vehicles. A disaster perambulator car is still lacking for the Don-Men Branch, which cause them a lot of problems, because Tainan city has many alleys and lanes, where the disaster rescue trucks are not easy to drive in.

To support firefighters’ work and to contribute to the city , the CEO has decided to donate a disaster perambulator car for the Dong-Men Branch in December 2016, so that the firefighter could investigate the disaster more conveniently, speed up the rescue and help the people in need. The car is equipped with LED warning light, fire alarm, radio system, microcamera, fire extinguisher, loud-speaker etc..
The Tainan City Fire Department held a donation ceremony on the 5th of December. The Deputy Director General of the Tainan City Fire Department represented the government to receive the donation and give the Certificate of Appreciation for donating a disasterperambulator car to the CEO of EYSAN. The Deputy Director General thanked EYSAN for the altruistic act, which offer better living circumstances for the citizens. Most of the firefighters and the volunteer firefighters of the Dong-Men Branch have also attended the ceremony. The CEO said that she hope this could contribute the city and benefit and society. She also hoped her action could set an example of a good deed for others to do charity and to care more about the disaster prevention and the safety issue during rescue.